Westside Baptist Church
VBS 2018
"Gear up! Get ready! Game on!"
July 9-13
This year, the youth ministry decided to help out a sister church, Los Angeles Filipino Baptist Church, by conducting a VBS (Vacation Bible School) program in a community center within walking distance of the church.
We were blessed to have 31 children attend! They played games, made crafts, and most importantly, learned about Jesus and how much He loves them. By the end of the week, there were 11 professions of faith!
Thank you all for your prayers and volunteering time!

Three Circles of Conversation:
How to Witness to Everyone Around You
July 6-8
This year's family camp was held at The Oaks, in the Lake Hughes area.
Despite the hot weather, we were able to enjoy games, swimming, and skits!
Our main theme was how to have witness to those around you using a tool: the three circles of conversation: talk about God's Design, show our Brokenness, and God's plan of salvation through the Gospel. We trained in small groups, practicing this tool. By the end of camp, everyone was able to confidently use this tool to witness!