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Words of life

“A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad. You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.” Matthew 12:33-37

From the text, Jesus gave a stern warning on not taking for granted what you say to others. When you let your guard down and let the word comes out in your mouth without serious thought, it will provide a good measure on what is in your heart. God’s admonition is to have your mind engage in an exercise that will greatly affect the way you speak. As your physical body needs exercise to keep it healthy so does your mind so that the words that comes out will bring encouragement. Just like your body, in order for it to be healthy, you must be careful what you put into it and you must exercise regularly. So does your thought in order for it to be clean, you must watch out what goes into your mind. This is what the Apostle Paul advised Christians at Philippi. “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8). Exercising the mind includes contemplating on things that are noble and to the truths found in His word. Do not let popular philosophy found in the world to fill your minds with ungodly thinking. Do not let yourself to be a downer that can infect others of pessimism about everything. Expose your mind to the truths of God found in His word for in it you will find what is “true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and good.” What you let sink in to you mind will be clearly shown by the way you live. When you allow profane and worldly thoughts to fill your mind, this will lead to ungodly living. You are the one that will determine what you fill your mind with. If you choose the mind of Christ, it will result to Christlikeness. Choose the things of God and meditate on the magnificent truths of God. When you do they will create in you a character that can have positive impact to others and will bring glory to God.


Noel De Guzman Westside Baptist Church Los Angeles, CA

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