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In the Potter's hand

And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. Don’t be so angry with us, Lord. Please don’t remember our sins forever. Look at us, we pray, and see that we are all your people. Your holy cities are destroyed. Zion is a wilderness; yes, Jerusalem is a desolate ruin. The holy and beautiful Temple where our ancestors praised you has been burned down, and all the things of beauty are destroyed. After all this, Lord, must you still refuse to help us? Will you continue to be silent and punish us? Isaiah 64:8-12 NLT

The prayer offered in the text is what every child of God needs to express. There should be this radical longing within expressing our complete dependence upon Him. “We are the clay, and you are the potter “(Isaiah 64:8). We need God’s touch regularly so that we will be molded to the person He wants us to be. God holds the power over us. There is a unique distinctiveness in this prayer. God is able to touch our lives over and over again. Even in times of disciplining, God uses those moments to remind us of His forgiveness so that we will not be discouraged when we approach His throne of grace. If you believe that you are a child of God, you must also believe that He is the potter and you are the clay. When the Israelites returned from their Babylonian captivity they saw the ruins in Jerusalem including the temple that was burned. Immediately they recalled the splendor of Jerusalem which they were proud of. “The holy and beautiful Temple where our ancestors praised you has been burned down, and all the things of beauty are destroyed” (Isaiah 64:11). They realized that it was their disobedience to God that caused all these miseries. Now, they turn to God and asked Him to restore them back. “Please don’t remember our sins forever. Look at us, we pray, and see that we are all your people” (Isaiah 64:9). They knew that they deserved to be disciplined for this is part of God’s will for His children. God will not allow sin to continue on in the life of His children for He knew that it will ruin their lives. The greatest prayer we can offer to God is to ask Him that His will be done in our lives for His glory. We have to constantly ask Him to have His way in us freely and unrestrained.


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