Westside Baptist Church

9:45 AM: Small groups
11 AM: Worship service
6:30 PM
Study in the Book of Colossians
Marina Del Rey
8:00 PM
Topical Bible Study
Youth Bible Study
North Hollywood
*have questions or need information on specific location of weekly events, please email us or use CONTACT form

From infants to school age children, we offer specially designed learning which cater to not only each child's developmental stage but also to allow each one to learn the love of God.
CHILDREN'S CLASS: Sunday School and Junior Worship led by Celia Arrivillaga
YOUTH: Sunday School meets up on the 3rd floor with Isaac De Guzman at 9:45 am. We are currently studying 2 Samuel, using Explore the Bible series, learning about King David. During Friday nights, we study the book of Acts, learning how to be active in missions wherever we are.

As times change so do the trends of each generation, but the necessity for each one to know God never changes. Our youth and young adult ministry is designed to equip and empower this generation to live their life for God.
COLLEGE AND CAREER: Go through the Bible, breaking down passages and applying it to our daily living. We meet in the sanctuary after praise and worship practice.
Here at Westside Baptist Church, we believe that every person was made with our own unique S.H.A.P.E. This means that if someone has a talent or passion for something, we will strive to equip and empower that individual to accomplish the task God has set out for them.
Our various other ministries include but are not limited to:
Music ministry
Multimedia ministry
Kitchen ministry
Community outreach ministry
Church beautification ministry