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That you might believe

Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name. John 20:29-31

From the text, the Lord Jesus Christ expressed His assurance for those that placed their trust in Him even without the opportunity to see Him lived on this earth. They surrendered their lives to His Lordship because they believed the revelation of who He is through His word. The gospel of John was written to lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. John specifically chose the miracles mentioned in the book because they conveyed God’s supernatural power and knowledge (see John 2:11; 4:53-54; 5:9; 6:13-14, 19-21; 9:6-7; 11:43-45). There were several “I am” statements proving the deity of Jesus Christ. Because of these revelations on who Jesus is, the challenge for those reading the gospel is to place their faith in Christ for He alone is the Savior who will be true to His promises. He promised eternal life to those that believe in Him. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). John also devoted time to provide a detailed description of the last supper, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. The events were highlighted when Thomas expressed His doubts about the resurrection unless he sees with his own eyes the proof of Jesus’ crucifixion. All these claims of deity, and events written about Jesus Christ emphasized the inerrant authority of the Scriptures (see John 5:39-47; 10:34-36). So when one is exposed to the truth of God’s word and there is a longing to know the One true Savior, such combination could lead a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus of Christ when faith is placed in Him. When you are led by God to share your faith, you have His word as your tool so you could provide a clear presentation of the gospel’s message.


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