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Guarding the faith

Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness. 1 Timothy 6:20-21

For most people, becoming a Christian does not involve a dramatic change in occupation, living conditions, salary, or neighborhood. But wherever we are, Christ calls us to extend his kingdom. Contentment, the pursuit of godliness, and strong identification with Christ are foundational to effective Christian living. These are the attitudes we must have so we could impact others for the gospel. This is what Paul issued as a personal plea to Timothy. Timothy has to guard what has been entrusted to his care. This is no light matter. This is why Timothy had been equipped by God to do this. He must now set his heart and mind to the task. The work was entrusted to him, just as valuables are deposited in a bank for safety. Timothy was handed the responsibility of guarding the riches of the gospel against false teachers and keeping the church, the body of Christ, unified in the face of divisive and false teachings. We too are called with the same task as Timothy’s. In order for us to carry out this work, we must turn away from godless rant and the opposing ideas “with their so-called knowledge.” What Paul was referring to were the arrogant views of the false teachers. They engage in academic and intellectual pursuits to which they think would lead to spirituality. This was described from the passage as “foolishness” for they will not result to changed life. Such mindset does not recognize the need for comprehensive changes to the inner person and behavior that can only be done by God. Such people and their beliefs appear wise, but they are actually empty. The challenge is to stand strong to biblical principles for false teachings are dangerous and could lead others to wander from having faith in God. Such counterfeit doctrines are damaging to the soul. It is not religion, denominations, or opinions that are to be guarded. What is guarded is the focus of our Christian faith—our belief in Christ for salvation alone. Paul ended as he began with the greetings “Grace be with you.” Paul desired God’s grace, his abundant goodness and spiritual fullness for the people of God for it is only through His grace that we will continue to grow We continue as we started in the Christian faith—by grace through faith in Christ alone (Eph. 2:8–10).


Noel De Guzman

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