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Glorifying God even in times of difficulties

Sacrifice a thank offering to God, and pay your vows to the Most High. Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me. Psalms 50:14-15 From the text, God expressed what He desires from His children. He admonished them to offer their thanksgiving and to keep their commitments. Then when they call on Him in times of distress we honor Him. God taught His disciples in Matthew 6:9, 10 to pray asking Him that His “will be done.” He wants us to pray and to come to Him in times of need for it shows who matters to us when we are facing difficulties in life. Not doing so is to deny Him the honor that is rightfully His. Included in our commitment is our total dependence and reliance upon Him. He wants us to trust Him with our cares. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7). There are times when God allows us to reach a point of desperation that there is no one to turn to except Him. God’s glory is demonstrated when we let Him walk with us in times of trials. We also demonstrate to a watching world the difference He makes in the lives of His children. If God will prevent and shield us from trials, people around us might never have the opportunity to witness God’s provision in the life of a believer. If you feel you could handle everything in life including difficulties, you might be tempted to feel self-sufficient and without any need of God in your daily life. This will lead to pride thinking that you do not need to seek God’s assistance. Self-centeredness will seek to convince you that you can handle your troubles through your own wisdom, resources, and hard work. Such attitudes will move you far away from God and the commitment you made to Him. Your pride will also rob the glory that only belongs to God. This is why He calls us to offer our sacrifice of praise for that will help us acknowledge that it is God who answers our prayers. Don’t let your pride overcome you and prevent you to acknowledge who God is in your life. If He is your Lord then give Him what rightfully belongs to God. Call upon the Lord, offer your sacrifice of praise and live out your commitment to Him. This is how we give Him the glory that He deserves.


Noel De Guzman

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