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God’s very best gift

...because of the surpassing grace of God upon you. Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! 2 Corinthians 9:14-15

When Paul wrote the letter to the Corinthians, they were doing relatively well, living in peace and prosperity. While this prosperity was a blessing from God, it was also an opportunity for service. He encouraged them not to be spoiled brats who worried about their small needs to the neglect of being grateful for what really matters in life. For Paul, real gratefulness is the result of acknowledging that nothing can compare to the “inexpressible gift” God gave those who trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. This thought was so magnificent in Paul’s outlook that it caused him to break forth in praise. He wrote, “Thanks be to God.” His heart broke out in adoration for God’s indescribable gift which made all of this possible, the gift of salvation through Christ. He was overwhelmed by the thought of Gentiles in Corinth joining with other Gentile churches to provide for Jewish believers in Jerusalem. “I know your readiness, of which I boast about you to the people of Macedonia, saying that Achaia has been ready since last year. And your zeal has stirred up most of them” (2 Corinthians 9:2). He overflowed with joy that all of these churches would join together in the praise of God and in prayer for one another. Paul was so ecstatic at the thought he could go no further. To know and have Christ in one’s life is an indescribable gift because all the words in the world cannot exalt the greatness of what God has done for us in Christ and what God continues to do for us. God gave all that He had. He didn’t just give away something; He gave himself first to us. His giving was an act of grace on His part. God not only surpassed in all other characteristics, but also excelled in the “grace of giving.” He was not commanded to give, but gave voluntarily for our benefit. He planned to give. He promised that gift. He was eager to give that gift. He was enthusiastic to give that gift. His enthusiasm was translated into action. He was ready to give the gift. It was a generous gift. God did not give it grudgingly. He gave generously. He did not give reluctantly. He did not give under compulsion, except there is an inner compulsion motivated by love. He gave cheerfully. His gift supplies our needs for salvation. His gift is a service. His gift brings honor to Him. His gift is open not only to us, but “to everyone else.” His gift causes prayers from us to go to Him. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” And one way to thank God is to allow our hearts to be filled with the kind of gratitude that spills over into serving and giving to God by ministering to the needs of others. We thank God by counting the many ways He has been good to us and by sharing His goodness with others. God desires our humble and heartfelt gratitude. He wants us to treasure every day He entrusts to us. Let us be grateful for God gave us the very best gift!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Noel De Guzman

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