All the days of my life
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:5-6
God’s provisions of goodness and love for his children are both constant and abundant. The constancy of God’s provisions means that God’s people have them in every situation and circumstance. God’s goodness and love because of His mercy is that quality that inclines Him to relieve us of misery. Because he had seen very much of God’s faithful care in every conceivable situation, David knew he could count on God’s goodness and love every step of the way. They are the helpful provisions that God gives us. These are what bring us relief in times of despairs. When Joseph was dumped into a dungeon because of a false accusation, God’s goodness and love provided him divine relief. Instead of misery of bitterness because of the unfair treatment he experienced, he had a different outlook in regards to his situation and God’s mercy sustained him (see Genesis 39:21-23). Shortly after the premature deaths of her sons, Naomi asks the Lord to grant her grieving daughters-in-law goodness and love (see Ruth 1:8-9). God not only gives grace in times of death of a loved one but He also provides goodness and love while we are grieving. This is what relieves us of the misery of anger as we are learning to accept the loss of a loved one. God’s goodness and love sustained Job which strengthened him to go on during his days of intense pain (see Job 10). God’s mercy relieves us which removes the misery of hopelessness that would then overcome us in times of great affliction. No unfair consequence is too extreme for mercy, no grief too deep and no pain is unbearable for God’s goodness and love will follow us all the days of our life.