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Lifting our Savior

They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago.

They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations. Foreigners will be your servants. They will feed your flocks and plow your fields and tend your vineyards. You will be called priests of the Lord, ministers of our God. You will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. Isaiah 61:4-7 NLT

Isaiah from the text, guided by the Spirit of God, continued to provide a vision of the redemption. The ones who were downtrodden will be restored and revived. This will take place because they are now reconciled with the Lord. This community that belongs to the Kingdom of God will be seen in stark contrast with those that remained captives and despairing for they ignored God’s calling to have a relationship with Him. Those who have been freed from the bondage of sin and transformed will offer their praise. This is God’s promise; He will restore all those that were ruined by sin. He will begin to manifest this revival through the lives of His children. We need this. For many generations, sin has devastated relationships and families for many generations. Sin creates a victim mentality that insists on its right to retaliate and revenge. This cycle if it continues and persists, more sin is created and more victims are produced. Every war has been attributed to reprisal. The shots were fired and the accepted response is counter strike. Lives that were ruined by sin will ruin more. The only way that this cycle will be stopped is when God through Jesus Christ is allowed to intervene. There must be a desire to accept God’s offer of salvation. Those whose lives have been restored because they have responded to the gospel message will be used by God to “rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago.” The world needs a Savior and those who have been freed from the bondage of sin are called upon to participate in the restoration by declaring to others the gospel’s message. The ones who will be taking on the task of proclaiming His word will be given “a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” We need to be confident of the message of salvation for in that confidence we experience the joy when we serve God proclaiming the message of salvation.


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