A new covenant
From the text, the writer of Hebrews continued to describe the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The first covenant that was instituted at Mt. Sinai through Moses was rendered ineffective. It is not that the law itself had flaws but it did not meet the needs of faulty humanity. The law revealed humanities’ sinfulness but could not provide solution. The existence of the law also had proven that people lacked the power and motivation to obey the law. The law could not justify the sinners. Because of this, there was a need to have a second covenant. This new covenant promises a desire to follow, a new experience of obtaining knowledge, and a provision for the forgiveness of sin. The writer of Hebrews quoted Jeremiah 31:31-34 for it signaled the establishment of a new covenant after the Israelites were released from captivity. The new covenant pronounced the coming of the Messiah who will provide salvation that will help sinners. Jeremiah lived during the time when Judah and Israel are not in good terms. With the new covenant, a promised was made that the difference between the two tribes will be patched. The mending of the relationship represents the reconciliation sinners have with God obtained through Christ’s sacrifice at the cross. The new covenant included all those who have surrendered their lives to Christ. “And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you” (Galatians 3:29 NLT). The content of the new covenant will be written in the minds and hearts of the believers. The Holy Spirit within the believers will supply the power so they could follow the new covenant. Their obedience to the new covenant is based on the intimate relationship they have with the Savior. God’s dealings with the believers will be direct and immediate. They will have direct access and will enjoy a deep fellowship with God. The blessings of knowing and serving the Savior were realized because of this new covenant.