Go tell it to the mountain
A voice said, “Shout!”
I asked, “What should I shout?”
“Shout that people are like the grass.
Their beauty fades as quickly
as the flowers in a field.
The grass withers and the flowers fade
beneath the breath of the Lord.
And so it is with people.
The grass withers and the flowers fade,
but the word of our God stands forever.”
O Zion, messenger of good news,
shout from the mountaintops!
Shout it louder, O Jerusalem.
Shout, and do not be afraid.
Tell the towns of Judah,
“Your God is coming!”
Isaiah 40:6-9 NLT
There will be instances that when we are confronted with life and we see how filled our life with disappointments, at times we just think that having hope is useless. We start to realize that our ideals are no longer achievable and people around us are no longer sources of encouragement. These are the moments that we should think about more of the coming of Christ in this world. Christmas celebration should not just be a rerun of what is trivial and sentimental. It is more than just a once-a-year celebration. It should provide us a fresh reminder that the Deliverer, our Savior, came into this world to redeem us and He wants to be involved in the affairs of our lives. This is what we should proclaim for this is the message people need to hear. From the text, the Israelites were about to be taken over by the Babylonians. Isaiah gave a prediction and it was fulfilled. So, the Israelites became exiles in Babylon and they felt that there was no hope in their condition. This captivity was the result of their disobedience to God. They became bitter, defeated, disillusioned, and depressed. This is when Isaiah brought to them the message of hope. Those who have trusted God should proclaim that in God there is hope. We who have experienced the meaning of Christmas for we have surrendered our lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior, should have the assurance that God is here with us to strengthen us. No matter what will happen in the coming days, we know we are not alone. God has not abandoned us. Our best days are still to come. God has a purpose of grace for us better than ever. So, let His hope fill our lives. The impact of this realization should motivate us to share the message of the gospel to this desperate and needy world. They must hear that God is Emmanuel, He is with us! Each year that we celebrate Christmas should provide us new perspective in life. Let us continue to grow knowing our Savior, gaining new insights about ourselves and take every opportunity to tell others about who Jesus is.
“While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent flocks by night, behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light.
The shepherds feared and trembled when lo! above the earth rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior’s birth.
Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ was born, and God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn.
Refrain: Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and ev’rywhere—go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born!”
Noel De Guzman