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God cares for us

For he has not subjected to angels the world to come that we are talking about. But someone somewhere has testified: What is man that you remember him, or the son of man that you care for him? Hebrews 2:5-6 CSB

We continue on with the author's intent of showing Jesus as superior to the angels, that even as Jesus was fully human on earth, He was also fully God, and therefore superior than the angels. The author's audience, as we have seen previously, held the angels in very high regard especially due to their position on earth in the Old Testament. The angels are creatures subject to their Creator, the Son of God. Angels, as the writer said in 1:14, are ministering spirits sent to serve the believers who will inherit salvation. And in the world to come, not the angels, but the Son, will rule. As we see in this passage of Hebrews in verse 5, the angels were not placed in power of the "world to come." Jesus was the One placed in authority of the world to come, showing His superiority to the angels. To show further proof to the audience, the author of Hebrews then quotes Psalm 8:4, "what is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him?" The psalmist shows that in comparison to creation, mankind seems insignificant, and yet, God still cares for man. In comparison to heavenly bodies and the work of God in creation, man is nothing but a speck of dust, yet, God is mindful of him and cares for him. Christ showed He cares for us when He accomplished his work of atonement at the cross. Since Jesus claimed the crown of glory and honor, He is the rightful ruler of God’s creation. And by his death He has obtained dominion not only for Himself but also for all His followers. We have become heirs and coheirs with Christ. This is why the author of Hebrews shows that the Son of man, Jesus Christ is majestic and is in a position of authority. We can see this as well in John 1:51, “‘Then he said, ‘Truly I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.’” The Son of Man is a title of Jesus showing that He is the ideal man, and that the angels will descend upon Him, showing that they worship Him. Therefore, for us, we too should be worshiping Him, and strive to live our lives according to His example. Christmas celebration is about being grateful to God knowing that despite our unworthiness, He showed that He cares.


Isaac De Guzman


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