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Shepherding the flock

…not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 1 Peter 5:3-4 CSB

Continuing on with the challenge to pastors, Peter warns them to not “lord [their authority] over those entrusted to you.” With any position of power or authority, one can corrupt such a position of leadership into a dictatorship. Peter reminds pastors that this position was “entrusted,” meaning that this position was given to them from God to be a steward of, and therefore, should treat it with such gentleness and respect. Peter encourages pastors to lead with “examples to the flock” instead; being kind to people, being sensitive to their needs, giving positive affirmation without being manipulative or have ulterior motives, as well as correction through gentleness. Peter was very familiar with the image of a leader as a shepherd of the flock. Three times, he was asked by God how much he loves Him. Then God will tell Peter, “Feed my lambs,” “Take care of my sheep,” and “Feed my sheep” (see John 21:15–17). The leader oversees the flock not out of compulsion or grudgingly, but he is eager to serve and this is what God wants for him to do. They are serving because they were called by the “Chief Shepherd.” In doing so, the “Chief Shepherd,” being Christ, when He returns, will give church leaders that follow these commands and have these attitudes a “unfading crown of glory.” This crown is not a physical crown, but one that is a symbol of acceptance of faithfulness from God. The word “unfading” comes from the word “amarantinon” meaning “of amaranth,” a flower that was believed to never fade or wither. During this time of athletic competition, winners of the Olympic games would receive crowns of laurel leaves. Over time, however, these crowns would fade away. Yet, by being faithful to the calling bestowed upon them, in the end, pastors will receive that unfading crown of glory as recognition from the “Chief Shepherd.” Pastors are responsible for modeling Christ to their congregations, which in turns, bolster the congregation’s strength against the attacks of Satan, especially during trials and tribulations.


Isaac De Guzman


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